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Stepping into a New Season

Freedom Project team and Michelle (CEO of Destiny Rescue) in middle

As I contemplate my time on the Freedom Project team over the last year, I can't help but think of what a crazy journey it's been. As last year drew to a close, I thanked the Lord for all that happened in 2016 with Freedom Project. With starting Freedom Project, the opportunity to have a free market stall each month at Margaret Street Markets provided we have entertainment for the day in the form of busking (which isn't hard to get since we are a Music & Worship YWAM base). Talking in churches, hearing stories of what the people of Toowoomba are doing to help others; be it helping to rescue minors out of human trafficking or closer to home helping refugees, young moms, or the homeless; and the list goes on. What an amazing God we serve!

This year was a year of new beginnings, and of continuation and multiplication as well. 2017 began and people were added to the Freedom Project team while others moved on to other ministries within YWAM Toowoomba. I was excited to see what the next year would hold. During the first couple of weeks, we shared our vision and hopes for the project, what we wanted to see happen through this ministry. Our goal remained; to raise money to see 10 girls rescued from the sex trade with Destiny Rescue by mid 2018 and to raise awareness for this issue. And as we continue to go into markets, speak at churches & youth groups, and raise awareness over media and other platforms like this blog, our vision and faith grew.

This past month was full of promise and events to support our cause. On March 9th, our Freedom Project team had the opportunity to visit the wonderful staff over at the Destiny Rescue head office on the Sunshine Coast. Since we started our project last July, we have been able to raise enough money to rescue 4 girls from the sex trade. Two of those rescues happened because one church and one organisation saw the need and wanted to fill it to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. We wanted to celebrate them by personally delivering the money they raised to the Destiny Rescue office.

It was also a great opportunity to get to know the staff and volunteers of Destiny Rescue; spending time together over morning tea and hearing a bit more about what they've been doing. We are excited to be advocates for this amazing ministry. Their stories inspired us and recharged our hearts to step out more in boldness.

That same weekend, 3 of our team members went to Brisbane to shoot a music/dance video for a song Evelien wrote called “Stripped” which focuses on a girl who is trapped in the sex trade and her struggles. More information on what we did and what the video is about can be found on our blog in the coming weeks.

Last week was local outreach week. We as Freedom Project had some opportunities for the students throughout the week. The students busked for a purpose in town and collectively raised over $200 for Freedom Project which will go towards our cause in raising awareness for human trafficking and rescuing girls from the sex trade in Asia. I'm so proud of them!

The students helped us with a video titled “The Past” that we are posting to get the word out about the issue of human trafficking and to bring hope. They also helped us by making friendship bracelets and art to sell at the markets to raise money for Destiny Rescue.

Last Friday night we went to Bella Chicks, which is a monthly event for girls age 12-16. We dressed up in neon colours for a Neon Party. It was so fun! We shared a skit which the Freedom Project team put together and I shared with the girls about how to make others shine as well as our heart with Freedom Project and what we are doing to help and encourage others to shine.

We have been working on various projects including videos to raise awareness, creating artwork and bracelets for fundraising, and planning for a big fundraiser that's coming soon! Stay tuned for more updates.

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